BRANDING + logo CLIENT FORM Name * First Name Last Name Text for Main Logo * AKA Business Name (exactly how you want it to appear in your logo - spacing, capitals, etc.) Text for Secondary Logo (Package 2) Text for Submark (Package 2 + 3) Brand IG Handle * (If you have one) What is the meaning of you brand name? What is your business exactly? * Ideal client * - Describe them... What do they do on the weekend? how old are they? Where do they shop? What do they value? Please be as detailed as possible. Visually, what inspired your cream customer? * List three (3) brands you love the look and feel of... * Core Values + Mission Statement of your brand * Your "dream competitor" - this means, who would you love to be on the same level as someday? (ie. if you are starting a makeup brand maybe your "dream competitor" would be glossier) Colors you are drawn to and what to incorporate? * Where will your logo primarily be used? Words that describe your desired brand? * IG Brand Crushes What sets your brand apart? * PINTEREST BOARD LINK * No need to invite me to the board, please just send me the link. create a pintrest board with logos, colors, photography, typography and aesthetic you are drawn to. http:// Visually, what inspires you? Any additional notes or anything else I should know? Need additional services? Instagram highlights Instagram artwork posts Business card design Thank you card design Clothing tag design Custom gif / sticker social media graphics Thank you so much. We’ll reach out to you soon for next steps !!